Economic Growth of Padang Lawas Utara Regency in 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Padang Lawas Utara Regency

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Economic Growth of Padang Lawas Utara Regency in 2023

Release Date : March 22, 2024
File Size : 0.67 MB


The economy of Padang Lawas Utara Regency based on the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices in 2023 reached IDR 15.822 trillion and at constant prices in 2010 it reached IDR 9.387 trillion.
  • The economy of Padang Lawas Utara Regency in 2023 compared to the previous year, based on constant prices, experienced growth of 4.92 percent. In terms of production, the highest growth in the Accommodation and Food and Drink Provision Business Field was 9.29 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the Consumption Expenditure Component of Non-Profit Household Institutions experienced the highest growth of 10.82 percent.
  • The economy of Padang Lawas Utara Regency in 2023 compared to the previous year, based on current prices, experienced growth of 9.42 percent. In terms of production, the Transportation and Warehousing Business Field experienced the highest growth of 15.29 percent. Meanwhile, in terms of expenditure, the LNPRT Expenditure Component experienced the highest growth of 18.16 percent.
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